Agro-Reforestation with Biochar

The reforestation of the planet may well be the last resort to save humanity from climate change and biomonotony. If we don't start now to grow trees, even if only with small projects, the dust under the sky will cover the last blade of grass. In Nepal, when the disaster of the trembling earth struck, the women of a village in the mountains decided to plant trees and recreate life so that the lost generation will return. 10,000 trees were planted with biochar to re-fertilize and protect the soil, capture carbon and generate a stable income. These pioneers became the first village in Nepal to sell carbon credits from plants that grow food for their children and sequester carbon for the planet.



Find here a presentation of the first private agro-reforestation with biochar in Nepal. The 10,000 trees planted for the new agro-forestry system sequester the equivalent of 158 t CO2 per year. This is the equivalent of the CO2 emissions of 50 family cars for one year. Besides the effect for the climate, it increases the productivity of the land, creates jobs in the villages, reduces soil erosion and land slide danger, improves ecosystem services and biodiversity